The Awakening of Lilith
1H 22MIN
Director Biography - Steven Adam Renkovish
Steven Adam Renkovish resides in South Carolina. His love affair with the arts began as a young man and continues to this very day. https://media.festivee.com/tryoninternationalfilmfestival/assets/images/536_summernote_img.https://media.festivee.com/tryoninternationalfilmfestival/assets/images/536_summernote_img.Adam is a film critic, as well as a screenwriter and filmmaker. He has written for The Easley Progress and Examiner.com, as well as his own site, HalloweenRetro101.
Adam's award-winning films have been accepted to many film festivals, including the Tryon International Film Festival in Tryon, NC.
Director Statement
Grief is universal. At some point, we will all face it. It's how each individual processes it that interests me, because over the course of my life, each period of grief that I have experienced has been vastly different, with varying degrees of weight.
The Awakening of Lilith explores this idea of the weight of grief - how some of us long to forget it the minute we feel it, the very second it shows its face, and how others almost see it as a comfort. Because grief tethers us to our loved ones for eternity, every time that we grieve for them, they are there, in some way or another.
In this film, the character of Lilith suffers from the mysterious loss of a loved one. The pain is so great that she has chosen to live inside of it. I wanted to explore what that would look like, and how and why one comes to that place. That eternal night of the soul - not quite day and not quite night. Candlelight is abundant in the film. Burning and flickering in what is clearly midday or at the dead of night - Lilith does not differentiate between the two, such is the complexity of her grief.
I hope that the experience of watching The Awakening of Lilith will initiate a conversation that needs to be had. I hope that, through the character of Lilith, people may see a bit of themselves. That is my hope.
Making this film with a cast and crew of people that I love dearly has been a life-changing process for me. We have brought you a film that we are very proud of for many reasons. We hope that you will enjoy it, learn from it, and maybe see the shades of grace that are planted throughout.
Thank you for watching. Please stay through the end credits to hear the original song, "Elegy for Lilith", written and performed by Brittany Renée - the actress who plays Lilith in the film.
Directed by Steven Adam Renkovish
Written by Steven Adam Renkovish
Production Company Refuge Films
Produced by Brittany Renée Smith
Ashley Renkovish
Cast Brittany Renée as “Lilith” Justin Livingston as “Noah” Mary Miles Kokotek as “Mother” Rachel Sims Jackson as “Elizabeth” Tiffany Majors Doby as “Emily” Christiana Wilson as “Dawn” Jessie Roberts as “Iris”